Question Where do our products come from?

Our beautiful LUNU cashmere products are ethically sourced from Mongolia, a country famous for its pastoral nomadic life that listens to the voice of nature and embraces its natural heritage.

Question What sustainable materials does LUNU use?

LUNU uses only cashmere natural fibers harvested ethically from cashmere goats that are treated with love and respect in the outskirts of northern Mongolia.

Question What is cashmere?

Cashmere is a natural, luxury fiber that comes from the soft undercoat hairs of cashmere goats living in the extreme cold outskirts of the Mongolian steppe. These fibers are hand combed from the goats during springtime. They are then sorted, washed, and spun into cashmere yarn. Our garments are made of undyed natural cashmere which in comparison feels even softer than other colored cashmere garments. Cashmere is lightweight, soft and insulating which is why it’s the preferred type of clothing worn during winter and all-year cold weather. As a natural fiber, cashmere requires special care to make it last a lifetime and always have it looking at its finest. The better you take care of your cashmere garments the softer they feel, and it’s very easy, we promise!

Question How do cashmere fibers get harvested?

Our raw soft cashmere is the best type of cashmere due to its fine, thin & long fibers that keeps goats super warm during the dry and cold winters of Mongolia. The fibers are harvested on a yearly basis by softly combing the ultra soft hair from the goats, a process that takes place from April until June and relieves the cashmere goats from their extra warm hair, preparing them for summer.

Question How do I know that Lunu products have been ethically and sustainably sourced? Can we track all different stages of the product’s supply chain?

We are proud to confirm that all different supply chain stages of our products are traceable. Our suppliers are certified not only on the end quality of the garment but on the raw materials supplied by responsible herders/farmers verified in the rangeland health and veterinary tracing system.

Our garment’s raw fibers are coming from healthy animals who have a safe and high quality animal welfare and are treated with respect.

Question How do I wash my cashmere?

All of our cashmere products can be washed in the hand wash program of any washing machine, that means cold wash.


Quite often, you can select the number of cycles in your washing machine, so try to set it not higher than 800.


It’s preferable to use a clothing bag whenever you want to wash your cashmere garments in the washing machine. This way you keep them as safe as possible from getting stuck in any of the walls of the washing machine.


All of our garments are dry clean and washing machine safe.

Question Washing by hand your cashmere garments?

If you choose to manually hand wash your cashmere garment, wash in a clean sink or large bowl using lukewarm water.

Use a small amount of cashmere shampoo or just regular hair shampoo (its the best!)

Make sure you gently squeeze the water through the cashmere taking care not to rub and pull too much

Rinse the garment in clean water squeezing gently without wringing

Once you are done washing your cashmere, lay it flat on a flat surface over a dry towel to let it dry. Any additional moisture will be absorbed by the towel.

Don’t leave to dry under direct heat and sunlight.

Question Can I steam or Iron my cashmere garments?

Absolutely! Although you won’t need to do much of that, since these natural fibers do not show as wrinkly as regular shirts do. Just set the iron on light prior to placing it on the garment.